Cover visual for Ask Me How It Works: Love in an Open Marriage by Deepa Paul

Ask Me How It Works

Love in an Open Marriage
May 1, 2025 from Viking Books UK

Je mag mij alles vragen: liefde in een open huwelijk
Uitgeverij Nieuw Amsterdam

In the early hours of dawn in Amsterdam, Deepa Paul rises from her boyfriend’s bed.

She gets dressed, slips away with a kiss and cycles home, where she is welcomed into the arms of her husband, whose contentment is mellow alongside her own.

There isn’t a glimmer of shame, deception or guilt, only the honesty and compassion needed to make this kind of life possible — even if it wasn’t always this easy.

About Deepa

Born to Filipino and Indian parents in Manila, Deepa Paul lives in Amsterdam.

Ask Me How it Works: Love in an Open Marriage is her debut memoir.

‘Here is my husband. 

Here is my boyfriend.

Here I am.

Go on.

Ask me how it works.’

